Saturday, July 28, 2012

Family Pictures


Behold children are a blessing from the Lord


We always called our selves twins!!!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Some AMAZING Quotes from John Calvin

If I should enter the pulpit without deigning to look at a book and should frivolously think to myself, "Oh,well,when I preach, God will give me enough to say, " and come here without troubling to read or think what I ought to declare, and do not carefully consider how I must apply Holy Scripture to the edification of the people, then I should be an arrogant upstart.
~John Calvin

"These hands you may crush, there arms you may lop off, my life you may take my blood is yours, you may shed it; but you shall never force me to give holy things to the profaned and dishonor the table of my God."
~John Calvin
about the Lords supper

" Where the Lord closes His holy mouth, let us also stop our minds from going any further."  In other words, he would say no more than Scripture.
 ~John Calvin                                                                           

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Baked Oatmeal

3C.Rolled Oats
1C. Brown Sugar
2tsp. Cinn
2tsp  b powder
1tsp salt
1 cup milk
2 eggs
1/2c melted butter
2tbsp vanilla

Mix Beat
put in the over for
40 minuets
Oven temp 350

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Front Porch Kids

Maggie And Micah ( Burke ) And James and Lauren (Fletcher) have a website be shire to check it out
The website is
They will be doing Stuff from Blue Grass To Fiddling All the way to Hymns!!!!

Hope Yall Enjoy it

Time at The Burkes


Rachel And Emmy

The MOST CUTEST Carolina Blessing

Just recently Mommy and Abigail went to Texas for the food conference. So during the days we spent our time at the Burkes.....

We had SOOOOO Much Fun

Here are some pictures of Us and the  Burkes (above)

We spent thanks giving with them We consider our selves family!!!!!!


Rachel and Jenny

Maggie and I

The girls!!!!!!!!